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In St. Petersburg say that there is no bad weather, but there are bad clothes! Long ago the stereotype is broken that here is comfortable only in the summer. In the autumn and in the winter in the city pass the main events. Theatrical first nigts, opening of exhibitions and the main contacts occur from September to April. In the summer here have only a rest! If you are interested in affairs and a creative write us, please!

Navigation Season.

Navigation Season.

St. Petersburg is the northern city. The Navigation in the delta of Neva is open only 7 months in a year - from April to November. It is fantastic time! Hundreds of boats and ships come to the rivers and canals of the city. And are raising the bridges on Big Neva-River at night.

White Nights.

White Nights.

St. Petersburg is located absolutely near the Polar Circle. Therefore in the summer here at very light-night. It is called "White nights". They begin since the end of May and last prior to the beginning of July. This most romantic time in the city. At this time passes the musical festival "White nights".

Gold Season.

Gold Season.

September and October. Indian summer, fantastic on beauty. The best time for visit of the museums and parks. Beginning of a theatrical and exhibition season.

Platinum Season.

Platinum Season.

November and December. The end of navigation on the Neva River. Darkly and cold. The real St. Petersburg of Dostoyevsky. It is fantastic time for the real photographers. The time of first nights in the best theaters, concert's halls and exhibitions. Magnificent illumination.

Silver Season.

Silver Season.

January and February. Holidays of New Year and orthodox Christmas. Snow. Driving on horse sledge. Snow towns. Excellent time for the museums and exhibitions. Theatrical season.

Crystal Season.

Crystal Season.

March and April. The Russian carnival - Maslenitsa. Snow thawing. It is a lot of sun. The most transparent air. Excellent time for walks around the city. Numerous photo exhibitions. The last first nights at theaters.

Pearl Season.

Pearl Season.

May and June. Time of big holidays. City Day. Opening of fountains in Peterhof. In all gardens and parks trees blossom. Bright sun. Walks on boats and ships on the rivers and canals of the city and Big Neva-river begin.

Sapphire Season.

Sapphire Season.

July and August. Sapphire sky at night. The most beautiful types on the Neva River. Regatta. Holiday every Sunday. Fireworks. Holidays in gardens and parks.

Diamond Season.

Diamond Season.

June and July. The highest season. It is a lot of international forums. "White nights". Holiday "Scarlet sails". Regatta. Theatrical competitions.

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© 2016. All rights reserved. Author of texts is Alexander Novikov.

© 2016. Все права защищены. Автор текстов Александр Новиков.

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