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grand city

we are closer than you think

Whether you know that:
 ▪ the river Neva in St. Petersburg is the biggest River in Europe to amount of transferable water , though its length only 74 kilometers?
 ▪ the biggest lake in Europe Ladoga-lake is in only 50 kilometers from St. Petersburg?
 ▪ in St. Petersburg, is the biggest museum in the world (the Hermitage), is the Maryinskiy is best-known Theater and in the city is three biggest libraries  in the Russia?

If you go to St. Petersburg it isn't necessary to think that you go to watch Russia. St. Petersburg is the grandiose city, but to Stockholm, Helsinki and Tallinn is closer than to Moscow from here. To Paris, London, Rome from St. Petersburg to fly is only three hours. St. Petersburg was constructed as the real European city by the best architects. But here are living the Russian people.


In the city are living 5 000 000 people and still are comming 5 000 000 tourists. How not to be lost in this city? If you don't want to be the ordinary tourist and you want to find friends here that you need to address to us.  Our task it is to show normal life of intellectual creative people in St. Petersburg. Yours a task is to arrive to our city.


St. Petersburg is connected with the whole world by planes, by ships, by railroad and by cars. The best way to arrive here  by plane. In 2014 we constructed the new modern airport. From the airport it is possible to reach to the downtown in only 30 minutes. In St. Petersburg are 5 great railway stations and many small stations. High-speed trains go from Helsinki and  Moscow. All large cruise companies include St. Petersburg in the routes. The most popular route is "St.Petersburg-Tallinn-Stockholm-Helsinki-St.Petersburg".


Ordinary tourists spend 3-5 days in St. Petersburg. It is wrong. St. Petersburg can't be looked and understood during this time. St. Petersburg demands as much time how many are Rome, Paris and London. In the city are more museums than in Paris and Rome, here are more  theaters than in Paris and London,and are more temples, than in Paris, Rome and London together! St.Petersburg is called the cultural capital of Russia. Would be true to call St. Petersburg the cultural capital of the world.

© 2016

© 2016. All rights reserved. Author of texts is Alexander Novikov.

© 2016. Все права защищены. Автор текстов Александр Новиков.

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