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In St. Petersburg there are tens museums. In order that to look at all of them the whole life is necessary. The city is is well-known for the main museums - the State Hermitage, the Russian Museum and the Peter and Paul Fortress. There are a lot more special museums on interests: Kustkamera, Ethnographic museum, Gorny museum (The Museum of mining), Zoological museum, Botanical museum, Medical museum, Theatrical museum, Museum of music, Karl Fabergé's Museum, Museum of Hygiene, etc. Also the museums in apartments are interesting where  were living great composers, poets, writers, scientists, politicians. In St. Petersburg there are hundreds of magnificent temples, palaces and gardens. Less than for an hour it is possible to reach to Imperial Residences. Of course, we will organize any excursions and private visits for you, write, please, us.


Now, when the State Hermitage received in the property the huge General Staff Building on Palace Square it became again the biggest museum in the world. Very few people know that the complex of the museum includes still the following buildings: The Winter Imperial Palace, the Small Hermitage, the Old Hermitage, the New Hermitage, Hermitage theater, the memorial palace where was died the Emperor Peter the Great, the Menshikovskiy palace, Storage of funds and the Museum of Imperial porcelain factory. The Branches of the museum are in Omsk, Kazan, Vyborg, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Ferrara (Italy). In collections of the Hermitage there are more than 3 000 000 artefacts.

The Hall of Rembrandt.

The Hall of Rembrandt.

The Yard of the General Staff.

The Yard of the General Staff.

The Winter Palace.

The Winter Palace.

The Throne Hall.

The Throne Hall.

Petrovsky Hall.

Petrovsky Hall.

Pavilion Hall.

Pavilion Hall.

The New Hermitage.

The New Hermitage.

Malachite Hall.

Malachite Hall.

Jordanian ladder.

Jordanian ladder.

The Golden Drawing Room.

The Golden Drawing Room.

The General Staff.

The General Staff.

The Antic collections.

The Antic collections.



The Russian Museum is the second-large museum in Russia and the biggest museum of national art in the world. The old part of the museum in the Mikhailovskiy Palace includes extensive collections of icons, paintings, a sculpture and graphics of the XV-XXI centuries. The Branches of the Russian  museum in St. Petersburg are the Mikhailovskiy Castle, the Summer garden and the Summer palace of the Emperor Peter I, the Marble Palace and Ludwig's museum, Stroganov's  Palace on Nevsky Prospect.

Stroganovskiy Palace.

Stroganovskiy Palace.

Mihaylovskiy Palace.

Mihaylovskiy Palace.

Mihaylovskiy Palace.

Mihaylovskiy Palace.

Mihaylovskiy Castle.

Mihaylovskiy Castle.

The Marble Palace.

The Marble Palace.

The Hall of Brullov.

The Hall of Brullov.

Other interesting museums

Pushkin Museum.

Pushkin Museum.

Zoological Museum.

Zoological Museum.

The Ethnographic Museum.

The Ethnographic Museum.

The Museum of Religion.

The Museum of Religion.

The Museum of mining.

The Museum of mining.



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© 2016. All rights reserved. Author of texts is Alexander Novikov.

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