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In St. Petersburg there are many boulevards, gardens and parks. Of course, the main and biggest parks are located near St. Petersburg in Imperial residences and estates of the aristocracy. But all downtown is a big garden (in the Russian "Sad"). Almost all squares of the city are also decorated with gardens. 

If contacts with comunity of gardeners and landscape designers are interesting to you write us please, they are our friends.

Letny Sad (Summer Garden).

Letny Sad (Summer Garden).

The oldest and most popular garden is based by Peter the Great along with the city. Recently here carried out restoration, restored fountains and historical pavilions. The garden is located in the center of St. Petersburg. In a garden there is Emperor Peter I's palace, it is a lot of pavilions and sculpture, there is a big pond with swans.

Kazanskaya Square.

Kazanskaya Square.

Kazanskaya Square is one of the most beautiful squares of the city. The garden is limited by a colonnade of Kazan Cathedral and the main avenue - Nevsky Prospect. Are the fountain with the big pool in the center of a garden and statues of the Russian field marshals who won war with Napoleon - Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly.

Ekaterininskiy Sad.

Ekaterininskiy Sad.

Very popular Catherine Garden in the downtown. The garden is limited on perimeter to Nevsky Prospect, Anichkovsky palace, buildings of National library and Aleksandrinsky theater. In the center of a garden the well-known monument of the Empress Catherine the Great in an environment of her grandees.

Marsovo Pole.

Marsovo Pole.

The Field of Mars (Marsovo Pole) is the biggest square in St. Petersburg. The statue of a generallisimus earl Suvorov's in an image of roman god Mars is on the square. Therefore the area so is called. The garden is limited to the Moika River, the Swan channel, aristocratic palaces. In the center there is a memorial to heroes of revolutions.

Aleksandrovskiy Sad.

Aleksandrovskiy Sad.

The garden is named in honor of the Emperor Alexander I. The garden is in the downtown. From it three beams three main streets disperse. In the center of a garden the Admiralty tower topped with a gilded spike with a weather vane in the form of a ship. This ship is the main symbol of the city. Now to Admiralty the headquarters of Navy of Russia are located.

Nicolskiy Sad.

Nicolskiy Sad.

The most romantic garden is located near The most romantic garden is located near Saint Nikolay's Cathedral, the Maryinskiy Theater and Conservatory. The garden is limited to the Kryukov channel on the bank of which there is a cathedral belltower. This area is described in Dostoyevskiy's novels.

Botanical Garden.

Botanical Garden.

The botanical garden was founded by the Emperor Peter the Great in 1713. At first the pharmaceutical kitchen garden was created here. Now in a garden more than 7000 species of plants. In the territory of a garden greenhouses, the Japanese garden, the Botanical museum and Botanical institute of Academy of Sciences are located

Visyachy Sad.

Visyachy Sad.

This garden is on the second floor of the building of the Small Hermitage. It as if is groundless therefore is called Hanging Garden (in the Russian Visyachy Sad). The garden was created for the Empress Catherine the Great as the palace hall open-air.

Mikhailovskiy Sad.

Mikhailovskiy Sad.

The garden of the Mikhailovsky Palace is located in the downtown. Now in the palace there is a State Russian Museum. Pass flowers festivals in a garden. This favourite place for walks of citizens.

Yelagin Ostrov.

Yelagin Ostrov.

Yelagin Island is the favourite vacation place of the citizens. It is located in the lower part of the delta of Neva-River and one party comes to the Gulf of Finland. There are a lot of ponds in which go boating. On the island there is a magnificent park, pavilions and the palace of the Empress Maria Fiodorovna (the wife of Emperor Paul I and the mother of Emperors Alexander I and Nicholai I).

Alexandrovskiy park.

Alexandrovskiy park.

The park is located near the SS. Peter@Paul Fortress, the first building in the city. It was created in the XIX century. Now in park it is located ZOO, two theaters and the garden "Mini-St. Petersburg". The park is named in honor of the Emperor Alexander III.

Park "300 years of the city".

Park "300 years of the city".

It is new park in the new district of the city. Garden was created in 2003 in honor of 300 years of St. Petersburg. There is a lot of modern sculpture, pavilions. In park there is a fantastic view of the Gulf of Finland.

Kamenny Ostrov.

Kamenny Ostrov.

The Stone (Kamenny) Island is located near Yelagin Island. In the territory of the island there are a lot of aristocratic dachas of the XIX-XX centuries and two palaces. The Kamennoostrovsky palace was built for the Emperor Paul I. Polovtsev's palace was built at the beginning of the XX century in classical style for senator Alexander Polovtsov. All buildings of the island are surrounded with gardens and parks.

Tavricheskiy Sad.

Tavricheskiy Sad.

The garden of Tavrichesky Palace is in the downtown. It is a big landscape garden with a big pond. In Tavrichesky Palace now there is an Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the former greenhouse of the palace there is the main conference hall of Assembly.

Yusupovskiy Sad.

Yusupovskiy Sad.

The garden of one of three palaces in St. Petersburg which were owned by Yusupov's princes is a sample of a classical landscape garden of the XIX century. It small by the size, is in the downtown and possesses a big pond with the island and the pig-iron bridge.

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