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about us

we and our friends

This project was born as partnership of two people. We decided to unite our long-term organizing experience, contacts and opportunities. It not the tourist project. But it is suitable for all who is interested in culture, art, architecture and history. It will be important for active intellectual creative people who want to receive new friends. Still it is good start for promotion of your projects in Russia.

Alexander Novikov was born and is living in St. Petersburg. Novikov graduated from the Electrotechnical University. Alexander is from 1990 the Head of the Center for Prospective Researches, Developments and Implementation Signum, the full member of the Russian Geographical society, the President of the Australian@Pacific club, the member of the Creative Union of artists of Russia. If you would like to know more information, please, are to see here or here.


Liudmila Kondratyeva was born and is living in St. Petersburg. Liudmila graduated from the State Theatrical Academy. She worked in the production company Len-Concert, in Committee of the culture of the St. Petersburg Government, in Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg. Kondratyeva professionally was engaged in the organization of tours and concerts of the russian and foreign popular stars in Russia and in Europe. From  2002 Lyudmila Kondratyeva is the general director of the company "Visa-Consult".

© 2016

© 2016. All rights reserved. Author of texts is Alexander Novikov.

© 2016. Все права защищены. Автор текстов Александр Новиков.

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